Wiikwemkoong Anishinaabemowin Kinoomaagewin | Anishinaabemowin Naabiisjigan » Wiikwemkoong Anishinaabemowin Kinoomaagewin | Anishinaabemowin Naabiisjigan

Wiikwemkoong Anishinaabemowin Kinoomaagewin | Anishinaabemowin Naabiisjigan

What has the new team been up to?

 Gaa zhiwebak zhaazhi/ things that have changed already
– Anishinaabemowin Curriculum department is now,”Wiikwemkoong Anishinaabemowin Kinoomaagewin” to reflect a whole community initiative, responsibility and collaborative approach to prevent further decline of our community language.
– logo has changed to include WBE/WUIR logo designs
– vendor displays such as table cloth and banner reflect name change
– staff has been given new presentation apparel
– office admin. invoices/requisitions have new logo and our language has been added
– inventory in progress
– applied for funding from Indigenous Culture Fund at Ontario Arts Council
– staff have been offering advice, giving ideas, helping with creation of resources
– submitting stories  to create our own library with our language
– helping with the creation of a language program of study
– creating a staff resource – New Teacher Orientation booklet
– networking with the WHO and various community agencies with language and culture activities
– to complete a whole program of study for language and culture with resources from all community agencies (long term)
– creation of a song book with music with students for different levels
– publish student language Pictionary
– workbook of language resources
Miigwech – Sandra Peltier


Cultural Artwork